As the Thanksgiving holiday approaches, I can say that I am quite thankful to be a professor with tenure. My status gives me freedom to do stuff, like put online-only posts on my CV (I’m reasonably certain that my guest posts at Scientific American gathered more readers than any of my scientific papers).
Are you interested in attaining this lofty status for yourself? Then it wouldn’t hurt you to learn more about how to play the game. Register for email newsletters using the sign-up in the upper left column or the pop-up box, and you could win a free copy of The Promotion Game. While I wrote it for those in academic medicine, especially faculty with clinical backgrounds, I’ve been told by a number of PhD types that it has useful advice for them as well.
So sign up and possibly win a copy. If you don’t feel lucky, you can always buy the book in electronic or dead tree formats.
Some day I want you to give thanks for your career success!