Attending #AAMC14 ? Look for Pascale!


Click for meeting info

The annual meeting of the Association of American Medical Colleges (#AAMC14) starts in Chicago on Friday, November 7. I will be in attendance, along with copies of The Promotion Game. If you see me (a recent photo is on the author page) say hello! I will have information about the book, and I am planning to distribute some free hard copies at the meeting.

If you cannot attend the big meeting, you can still score a free book. How? Just sign up for the email newsletter using the form available to the upper left. Five of the first 50 people to sign up will get a copy! Then you will also know when new P&T tools become available here. And I pinky-swear that I will never, ever do anything evil with your email address, cross my heart and hope to die.

Prefer an eBook? Links to the Kindle and Nook stores are in the left column, and the book is available in the iBooks store via your Apple device. The eBook is in a number of other venues I have never used, so check your favorite site.

I look forward to meeting a lot of you at #AAMC14 ! Don’t be shy; introduce yourself to me. You may score a free book.

  1. Jenny Sasser

    Look forward to seeing you there!!

  2. Pingback: Travel Time: #AAMC14 and #KidneyWk14 | WhizBang

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